Thursday, May 17, 2007

The funny side of having a pap smear

A number of years ago I changed Doctors and was informed I was due for a pap smear. I know these are a necessity for women but that doesn't stop the nervousness or embarrassment of having yourself so exposed. To break the seriousness and fear I was having I decided to do something that would totally lighten the mood. I made up my mind I was going to wear a paper bag over my head. This wasn't as easy as one would think. Grocery stores were now packing groceries in plastic bags so paper bags were no longer an option. In the end I found one buried in a drawer at home. On the morning of going to the Doctors I cut two small eye holes and drew a face on the bag. When I arrived at the Doctors I informed the nurse of what I was going to do and she thought it was a brilliant idea. She escorted me into ab examining room and kept watch at the door for the Doctor to arrive. She let me know when he was coming and I quickly sat on the examining table and put the bag over my head. When he entered the room and saw me he left out a roar of laughter that must have startled the patients in the waiting room. Once his laughter died down he took the bag off my head, gave me a hug and thanked me for making his day. Needless to say I've never had a Doctor laugh so much while doing a pap smear but it was worth it just to no longer have that nervousness and embarrassment. He kept the bag and pinned it to the wall in his office and hopefully had a chuckle every time he looked at it.

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